“What-ifs” and Regrets Can Cause You Grief

Posted on Dec 7, 2011 in All Blogs, Death is Not the Only Cause of Grief, Moving Forward, You Are Not Alone | 0 comments

Mistakes are Made

Have you ever said “what-if”…? Of course you have, we all have. Sometimes our minds drift to the unknown territory of the “what-ifs”, “could haves”, “should haves”, and “might-have-beens”. However, sometimes the constant pain of our regrets and continually second-guessing ourselves can engulf us causing our thoughts to be overwhelmed with confusion and sadness. These feelings can only worsen a grief stricken situation. Do you have any regrets concerning your loss? Do you find yourself asking relentlessly about the “what-ifs”? Does your mind repeat over and over every regret you can dig up relating to your loss? Do you ponder what you should have done or what you should have said? Sometimes it is the things not done or not said that cause remorse. Everyone has done or said things in life to regret; you can’t escape life without making mistakes.


Addressing the “What-ifs” and Regrets

The important thing now is for you to address those concerns that gnaw at your heart and clutter your mind. It is vital to your grief recovery that you release the “what-ifs” and regrets of the past. Whatever the regrets are, it is important to tackle them straight on and then put them behind you. The past cannot be changed; however, the “what-ifs” and regrets can be resolved and removed from your present. Once you identify, deal with, and release your worries, you can be free to move forward in your healing process. However, you must thoroughly work through these issues so your future will not be haunted by the past.


Releasing the Burdens

At some point you must stop looking back with regret and start focusing on the future. Your progress may be delayed until you attend to and let go of these uncertainties. Past mistakes have no place in your future and can only bog you down. It can be helpful to honestly talk to someone in your support system about releasing the burden of past uncertainties. You can also journal your concerns in detail. God is always available to help you with your burdens. He is faithful to erase our past sins and regrets; pray that He take them from you now. No matter what the anxieties are, no matter what you have done or said, you are worthy of forgiveness. God forgives you, now release it all and forgive yourself. Your future awaits.


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